Thriller 40 Full Watch Hd

Thriller 40
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8 months ago added
Thriller 40 Full Watch Hd
IMDb: 8.4
Director Cuze Zelik's "40" thrills by playing on our deepest fear - that of growing old alone. Protagonist Abby endures a soulless job and dispassionate marriage, stewing bitterness over abandoning her creative aspirations. When she hits the dreaded 40, Abby seemingly has it all outwardly but inside lacks fulfillment. At her surprise party, she finds the clock ticking down a chaotic countdown. Waking each morning mysteriously regressing a decade younger externally while retaining her 40 year-old mindset, bewildered Abby sees past regrets resurface. Did pursuing financial security over passion drain her joie de vivre away?Zelik magnifies Abby’s escalating dread as she’s haunted by her former self-criticisms, failures and abandoned dreams. Now visibly being given a second chance, will she have the courage to rewrite her life’s script? "40” tantalizes with thoughtful themes on society’s values versus self-worth and dare we change course. Creatively shot time-bending sequences and parallel editing heighten tension between existential angst and self-realization. Propelled by a relentless score, taut pacing and winning lead performance, “40” makes midlife metamorphosis mesmerizing. A chillingly life-affirming trip awaits.
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